A second dead whale has washed up on a British beach - days after experts said a first one was too decomposed to move.The first whale, which is believed to be a minke or fin, was found on Headland Beach, Hartlepool, last Sunday (22/9).Public health experts warned people to stay away from the scene because the whale was too decomposed to be taken away.On Saturday (28/9), a second dead whale was found by a walker on the same stretch of beach.The member of the public who found the second whale said it was #&34;sad#&34; and he was #&34;shocked#&34; that another one had washed up.
Veröffentlicht 6 months ago
Schlagwörter dead whale washed up beach second whale whale carcass marine life beach discovery whale stranding ocean wildlife environmental concern marine conservation beach cleanup stranded whale wildlife incident coastal area ocean pollution