Woman Inherits Mysterious House in Forest, Calls Police When She Unveils Hidden Secret!
Woman Inherits Mysterious House in Forest, Calls Police When She Unveils Hidden Secret!
Dive into this captivating tale of Monica's unexpected inheritance that leaves her reeling! From a dilapidated house to a shocking discovery, this story will keep you on the edge of your seat. Witness the twist that no one saw coming! Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions as Monica's journey takes an unexpected turn. Click to unravel the mystery and find out what secrets lie within the depths of the forest house!

A woman inherits a dilapidated house when she enters, calls the police

Monica hadn't spoken to her grandmother in years, so she was surprised to be named in her will when she passed away. What she least expected was to inherit a seemingly worthless house in the middle of the forest.

No one knew that her grandmother owned this strange and mysterious building. When Monica decided to check her inheritance, she found something that compelled her to immediately call the police...

Something of value?

Monica had no idea what to expect when she entered the rundown building. In its current state, she thought the chances of encountering a wild animal were much higher than finding something of value.

But it didn't take long for Monica to notice something that completely caught her off guard. This was the last thing she expected to find hidden in her grandmother's old farm. How long had it been hiding from her family?

Calling the police

Without wasting any more time, Monica rushed out of the building and immediately called the police. They needed to arrive as soon as possible... But what did Monica find in the building? Why did her grandmother leave it to her and why was the police involved?

When Monica first heard that her grandmother had passed away, she didn't think much of it. She had cut off contact with most of her family years ago and didn't miss them at all. And from what she was hearing, they felt the same way.

No contact with the family

Since she packed up and left at the age of 18, no one had made a single attempt to contact her besides her mother. And they only called once every two months, with short and concise calls. But one of those calls informed Monica of her grandmother's death.

By then, she barely remembered what the woman was like; it had been so long. She expressed her condolences to her mother and said she probably wouldn't be there for the funeral, as the rest of the family would be there too. But her mother had other news...

A legacy

She told Monica not to attend the funeral and, truth be told, she wasn't even invited. Her grandmother had made no arrangements and was not sending out invitations. But her grandmother had made her will shortly before she died and Monica was named in it.

Monica couldn't help but be truly surprised by this news. The grandmother she barely remembered mentioned her in her will? It didn't make much sense. This meant she was destined to inherit something, but she had no idea what. And even her mother didn't know...

Expected after 2 days

All she knew was that Monica had to go to the notary in 2 days with all the other names mentioned in the will. And that also meant Monica would have to face the people she'd been avoiding for the past two years.

Her first instinct was not to go. Whatever was left, it most likely wasn't worth the mental struggle she would face to see her family again. And as far as she knew, her grandmother wasn't rich either. No one in the family was. But Monica had to admit her curiosity was piqued.

Too curious

Mainly also because her grandmother had made a will near her death. It meant that whatever she decided to leave to Monica was a very conscious choice. And she knew that if she didn't go to the notary, it would bother her in the coming years...

So Monica decided to grit her teeth. She booked a plane ticket to return to her hometown and flew back 2 days later. She had no intention of staying the night or for any significant period of time. All she wanted to know was what she was going to inherit...

The whole family

When she entered the office a little late, the entire family was already seated there waiting. Monica felt a pit in her chest. It was clear people weren't exactly happy she was there, but that feeling was very mutual.

Luckily, the notary also noticed and immediately began to open and read the will. He went through the list of people and what they should receive. These ranged from a car, money, a book collection, antiques, etc. The house had to be divided among everyone. Everyone except Monica.


When she heard this, Monica began to get angry; why on earth was she there? Practically everything had already been divided and she had gotten nothing. Not even a part of the house. Had her grandmother made a big middle finger statue to leave her?

But finally Monica's name was read, and she saw the notary raise an eyebrow after reading what she was supposed to receive. The family waited with bated breath, and everyone was impressed when it was finally revealed. Monica was also completely taken by surprise.

Old farm building

Monica had inherited her grandmother's old farm in the forest near the town. Monica looked around and only saw confused faces around her. Apparently, no one knew that her grandmother had another building. But why had she given it to Monica among all people?

Now that everyone knew what they would inherit, everyone had to sign to get ownership of the inheritance. Monica had a slight doubt about whether to sign. Did she want the old farm too? But the idea of being able to sell it and make good money soon appealed to her greatly.

Not easy to get to

When she signed, Monica had the exact location of the farm. Getting there by car wasn't easy, that's for sure. But it wasn't impossible. The problem was Monica didn't have a car there, so she would have to rent one or get help.

Luckily her mother was willing to accompany her to the farm as it was only 30 minutes away. It was a very quiet car ride, which gave Monica time to look around. And on the way, she soon realized that the rest of the family was also following them.

What were they planning?

She had no idea if they were planning something, but most likely they just wanted to know what the hell her grandmother had left her fugitive family member. People were nervous, but when they saw the farm, they couldn't help but laugh.

Monica couldn't believe what she was seeing. The farm was a real dump. As if nobody had been there in about 25 years. It had been mainly taken over by nature. Maybe her grandmother didn't even know she owned it until she decided to make a will.

Go away

Most of the family got back in the car and left, smiling and laughing at Monica for now having to deal with this old building. Now she was the owner and couldn't give it back. And no one else would take it from her.

Only her mother stayed behind. She gave Monica 30 minutes to look around and then wanted to go home and never come back to see Monica. She was willing to help her to this extent, but no more. She had to go back to planning the funeral.


Monica continued to look at the building completely stunned. But for now she had to get out of it because she wanted to take a look. As things stood, those might have been the only 30 minutes she would spend in that farm.

She cautiously walked into the first dark building and wasn't surprised to see the inside was even worse than the outside. Monica's mind was racing, wondering why her grandmother had this too. Had it been passed down to her as well?

Why did she have this?

Maybe she and her husband had bought it with the intention of renovating it for their old age, but never succeeded. In any case, it really didn't matter. She was the one stuck with it and needed to have a plan on what to do with it.

Selling this place would probably have been impossible. The forest was likely protected, so building anything else on the land would have been almost impossible. Doing anything to restore this place could become an incredible hassle.

Would she have to pay taxes?

But besides the fact that it probably wouldn't make her money, what was even worse was that it would probably cost her money in property taxes or something like that! Maybe that was her grandmother's plan. Leave her something that would be a difficult burden to move...

So, out of nowhere, Monica found many people taking shelter in the building. She would end up calling the police, but they told her there was nothing they could do for her. In the end, she decided to give the building to the homeless people so they could do what they wanted with it.




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