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Incredible footage shows wingsuit jumper flying off jump at ... 0    0

Incredible footage shows a wingsuit jumper flying off Mount Kilimanjaro - in a leap five years in the making.Tim Howell, 35, jumped off Kilimanjaro's 5,450 altitude exit point last Thursday (19 S...

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Beach homes topple into Atlantic after erosion and storms 0    0

Homes toppled into the Atlantic after coastal erosion and storms blasted their foundations at a rate of 13 feet a year.Five homes in the picturesque community of Rodanthe in North Carolina have been s...

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Woman's 'break up' tummy ache turns out to be... 0    0

A woman who put her stomach ache down to the #&34;anxiety#&34; of her break-up was diagnosed with ovarian cancer - aged 19.Storm Reveley, 22, had just split from her ex-partner when she starte...

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Resident says raw sewage spills over his driveway every time... 0    0

A disgusted resident says raw sewage spills across his driveway every time there is heavy rainfall - and he can “see everything”.Mick Goodrich, 68, says the raw sewage runs from th...

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