Search results for chaos

Slapstick scene as two men get increasingly confused by movi... 0    0

This amusing footage shows two men getting increasingly confused - as they both attempt to move a van in opposite directions.On December 5 in Jiangsu, eastern China, a delivery worker was unloading pa...

Clowning 89 views

Video shows the moment a deer invaded a rugby pitch - and ta... 0    0

Video shows the moment a deer invaded a rugby pitch - and tackled a player. The animal ran onto the playing field as Marlow Rugby Union Football Club were playing in a London and South East Division l...

Clowning 111 views

Wilde Szenen: Autoraser stürzen Stadt ins Chaos 0    0

Gewaltbereite Autofans haben in Philadelphia, USA, für chaos gesorgt. Sie rasten durch die Straßen der Millionenstadt - die Polizei war machtlos.

Clowning 208 views

Starke Schneefälle sorgen für Verkehrschaos in Südafrika 0    0

Ungewöhnlich starke Schneefälle haben in Südafrika für ein Verkehrschaos gesorgt. Dutzende Autofahrer steckten in ihren Wägen fest und viele Straßen waren unpassierbar.

Clowning 197 views

Hilarious Cat Hairstyle Mishaps - Funny Video Compilation 0    0

Prepare to be amused and entertained by these laugh-out-loud moments of cats with quirky and sometimes disastrous hairstyles. From fluffy fiascos to stylish mishaps, this video compilation captures...

Clowning 219 views